누메네라 작은 박물지

누메네라 퀵스타트에 나오는 생물들을 모았습니다.

검은 엄니 Black Tusk 4 (12)

괴로운듯 들리며 울려퍼지는 비명소리는 멀리서 사냥하며 울부짖는 검은 엄니 무리의 상징입니다. 이 소란에 익숙한 이들은 검은엄니 무리의 목표가 되지 않으려면 어서 피할 곳을 찾아야 한다는 걸 압니다. 검은 엄니는 고양이과 포유류로 길이는 2미터가 넘고 육중한 엄니를 지녔습니다. 이 생물의 가죽은 눈처럼 하얗지만, 엄니는 얼어붙은 남쪽의 구름 낀 밤처럼 검습니다. 이 야만적인 사냥꾼들 중에 일부는 세계 곳곳에, 하지만 거의 대부분은 매우 추운 지역에만 있습니다. 인간이 이런 지역을 모험할 때, 검은 엄니 무리는 그들을 신선한 음식으로 취급할 수도 있고, 신참들을 내버려두고 더 익숙한 먹이에 집중할 수도 있습니다.

본터전에서 멀리 떨어진 땅에 사는 사냥꾼들은 가끔 훈련한 검은 엄니를 데리고 다니기도 하는데, 새끼일 무렵부터 사냥에 동반자로 길러진 이들입니다. 이런 검은 엄니는 목에 목걸이처럼 감싸진 삼베 같은 물질로 된 빛나는 끈으로 야생에 사는 친척들과 구분할 수 있습니다.

동기: 배고픔이나 충실함

환경: 추운 곳이면 어디나

체력: 12

피해: 5점

이동: 장거리

조정: 속력 방어는 빠르기 때문에 6레벨

전투: 검은 엄니는 보통 이름처럼 엄니로 공격하고 5점의 피해를 가하며, 이는 발톱이나 달려들 때도 마찬가지입니다. 검은 엄니가 달려들면, 보통 생물이 불시에 공격했기 때문이거나, 적보다 먼저 첫 차례를 가져갔기 때문입니다. 달려드는 공격은 평범한 피해를 주지만 먹잇감은 힘 방어에 성공해아하고, 실패하면 넘어져서 탈출할 때까지 검은 엄니의 밑에 붙잡혀 꼼짝도 못하게 됩니다. 각 라운드마다 먹잇감이 붙잡힌 상태이면, 검은 엄니는 6점의 피해를 주면서 무참히 공격합니다.

검은 엄니는 사냥할 때 더 강력한 생물을 포함해서 먹이를 쓰러트릴 가능성을 높이기 위해 사냥할 때에는 함께 다닙니다. 셋이나 그 이상의 검은 엄니가 협력하여 같은 대상을 공격하면, 그 중 한 검은 엄니가 대상을 공격할 때 난이도를 두 단계 낮춥니다.

대화: 야생의 검은 엄니는 포악하고 교활한 포식자이지만, 죽음을 자초하진 않기에, 먹이가 감당할 수 있는 것 이상이라 믿을만한 이유가 있으면 공격을 멈춥니다. 혼자 있는 검은 엄니를 만나면, 특히 밧줄 목걸이를 찬 경우에는, 다른 생물에게 훈련된 반려일 가능성이 높고, (그 생물은) 아마 근처에 있을 겁니다.

용법: 추운 야생을 지나다 만났다면, 검은 엄니는 의지할만한 버팀목(standby)인데, 특히 PC가 나중에 만나게 될 NPC가 길들인 동반자라면 더욱 그렇습니다.

마스터 개입: 검은 엄니에게 부상을 입은 캐릭터가, 엄니에 찔린 상처에서 피가 흐르기 시작하고, 상처를 동여매기 위해 행동 하기 전까지, 매 라운드마다 (장갑을 무시하는) 2점의 피해를 입습니다.

챌릭 Chalik 2 (6)

챌릭은 30cm 정도 길이의 곤충으로 정교환 노란 껍질로 보호를 받습니다. 더 큰 먹이를 작은 무리를 이뤄서 사냥하며 자기들 중 몇몇을 희생해서 목표를 붙잡고 움직이지 못하게 하여, 나머지 챌릭이 자유롭게 공격하고 잡아먹습니다. 놀랍도록 끈적이는 분비물을 죽거나 자신을 희생했을 때 생산합니다. 따뜻한 불모지나, 동굴, 폐허, 그리고 가끔 인간 거주지의 황폐화된 곳에서도 발견됩니다. 챌릭은 강력한 접착제를 생산할 수 있기 때문에, 장인들이나 다른 사람들은 가끔 이들의 액체를 얻기 위해 채집하기도 합니다.

동기: 고기에 굶주려 있습니다

환경: 추운 지역만 아니면 어디에서나 열 마리 이상 무리를 짓습니다

체력: 6

피해: 2점

장갑: 1

움직임: 단거리; 등반할 때에도 단거리.

조정: 크기가 작기 때문에 속력 방어는 4 레벨

전투: 챌릭은 적을 무리를 지어서 턱으로 깨뭅니다. 넷이나 그 이상의 챌릭 무리는 5점의 피해를 주는 하나의 4레벨 생물처럼 공격할 수 있습니다. 대신, 챌릭 한 마리가 배를 수축시켜 내부의 분비선을 터트려, 끈적거리는 분비물을 입으로 뿜어낼 수 있습니다. (그리고 이 챌릭은 죽습니다.) 이는 레벨 4짜리 공격으로 피해를 주지 않지만, 목표가 된 하나의 대상은 속력 방어에 실패하면 분비물에 덮여서 탈출하기 전까지 움직일 수 없게 됩니다. (자유롭게 탈출하기 위한 행동 외에는 할 수 없습니다.) 챌릭의 분비물 때문에 움직일 수 없게 된 목표물에 대한 공격은 두 단계 덜 어려워집니다.

챌릭의 껍질은 자기들의 분비물을 닦아내기 때문에, 동료가 만든 끈적이는 물질에 갇히게 되진 않습니다.

대화: 챌릭은 크기에도 불구하고 일단 곤충입니다.

용법: 특히 NPC가 챌릭의 둥지로 밝혀질 곳에 캐릭터 중 하나를 넘어트렸을 때, 그 전투는 특히 위험할 겁니다.

마스터 개입: 챌릭이 죽을 때, 폭발합니다. 지근거리에 있는 캐릭터는 챌릭이 목표를 움직이지 못하게 만들기 위해 자신을 희생한 것처럼 공격을 받습니다.

감시자 Gazer 1 (3)

감시자들은 공중 부양하는 금속 구형 기계인형으로 지름은 50cm 정도입니다. 다양한 장비 조각과 반짝이는 사이퍼들이 감시자의 낡은 합금 몸체를 장식하고 있다. 구의 한 오목한 면은 끊임없이 붉은 광선을 방출합니다. 눈이 멀면 다행이고, 이 붉은 빔은 순식간에 강해져, 거의 무엇이든 태울 수 있는 광선이 됩니다.

동기: 방어

환경: 감시자들은 여섯에서 열 둘 정도가 진형을 갖추어서 고대의 폐허가 된 구조물을 지키고 있는 모습이 발견됩니다. Formations of six to twelve gazers might be found defending ancient ruined installations. Sometimes lone gazers are encountered as companions of jacks or nanos who reprogrammed it to act as a servitor.

체력: 3

피해: 2점

장갑: 1

움직임: 날고 있는 동안 장거리

조정: 지각은 5 레벨; 크기 때문에 속력 방어는 2레벨

전투: Groups of gazers fly in a spherical formation, which allows them to present the maximum possible perception and threat surface.

A gazer can fire its scarlet beam to attack a target at long range. If the gazer can see any part of its target, it ignores any difficulty step penalties for cover that the target might have otherwise enjoyed.

As few as three gazers can act as a swarm, focusing their attack on one target to make one attack roll as a single level 3 creature, dealing 4점의 피해. On a miss, a swarm of gazers still deals 1 point of damage.

The intensity of a gazer’s beam is level 5 (as measured against the level of material of an inanimate object to be burned through).

대화: A gazer usually interacts only by flashing its beam in coded bursts, accompanied by eerie bleats of electronic static. Most active gazers follow a program to defend a location, reconnoiter a wider area, or seek and destroy those who match profiles held in their machine brains. However, if any group of gazers is interfered with too much, they will eradicate the perceived threat.

용법: Stories of the discovery of a rusted, crumbling cache of spheres laden with numenera reach the PCs. What’s actually been discovered is a decommissioned gazer graveyard on the outskirts of an ancient war installation. A few gazer formations are still active.

Loot: Scavengers can recover 1d6 cyphers in the remains of a destroyed swarm. Gazers are speculated to be antiques of a forgotten war that were originally forged by the millions, Only a handful remain active. However, if one of the ancient warehouses could be discovered, that number could radically increase.

마스터 개입: A gazer destroyed by an attack explodes, dealing 5점의 피해 to every creature in short range. Other gazers in immediate range spin away to safety.

얼음 치개 Ice Weaver 3 (9)

Delicate, lattice-like ice structures created by ice weavers are often mistaken as some kind of manifestation of the prior worlds. But these structures usually last only a few days or months before cracking, breaking, and melting away.

When a pack of ice weaver hunters moves into a new area, they first construct a redoubt of woven ice.

When explorers or residents of isolated communities find such “ice castles,” they should beware. Ice weavers are near. Luckily the creatures never stay in the same area long.

Ice weavers absorb heat and excrete ice. About 12 feet (4 m) long, these low-slung predators are clad in frost scales, complete with many transparent spikes and barbs. Condensation vapor often swirls from their super-cold bodies, and they race along the ground by producing a layer of ice along which they can slide.

동기: Hungers for flesh

환경: Almost anywhere in packs of three to eight

체력: 9

피해: 4점

장갑: 4 (see 전투)

움직임: Long

조정: Speed defense as level 4.

전투: Ice weavers race quickly on self-created narrow lanes of ice and use that speed to their advantage in 전투. An ice weaver can move a long distance and attack as a single action. It can also use its action to create a lane that stretches up above the heads of its prey, so that they can’t reach it that round unless they try to climb an elevated, slippery ice lane (a difficulty 6 Might task).

When an ice weaver bites down on a foe, it drains heat and inflicts 4점 of Speed damage (ignores Armor). Completely frozen victims are dragged off and consumed later.

Anyone within immediate range of an ice weaver suffers 1 point of cold damage each round.

대화: Ice weavers are intelligent, but they prize hunting more than almost any other activity. Excess frozen prey is stored in lairs hidden in high glaciers, where ice weaver young are reared. Someone threatening a supply of frozen food or a weaver lair could get a pack to back off or move away from an area.

용법: Characters hear about a “prior-world ruin” that appeared without warning. When they investigate, they find no ruin, but the small village nearby is vacated and empty. The only clue about what happened is a muddy trail leading north.


A cragworm is a spined serpent that can grow up to 50 feet (15 m) long. Its mouth opens horizontally and has many rows of teeth. Dwelling in abandoned or isolated areas, it preys on whatever it can find. The creature has many red, glistening eyes and is known for its terrible, mournful howl. It has the intelligence of an animal and the outlook of a predator.

동기: Hungers for flesh

환경: Dwells alone in rocky wastes, hills, and deserts.

체력: 36

피해: 8점

장갑: 2

움직임: Short

조정: Hides in rocky terrain as level 7. Speed defense as level 5 due to size. Perception as level 4. Resists trickery as level 3.

전투: A cragworm hides amid rocks and ruins. While hiding, it howls, and the subsonic nature of the sound paralyzes anyone within long range. Victims who fail Intellect defense rolls are paralyzed for two rounds.

When the cragworm emerges from its hiding place to attack, its envenomed bite inflicts terrible damage. Victims who fail Might defense rolls move one step down the damage track.

Once a cragworm enters 전투, it fights to the death.

대화: Cragworms can’t be reasoned with. They can be intimidated or tricked, but the latter is far easier than the former. They resist being tricked as level 3 and are particularly easy to fool if food is involved.

용법: Cragworm attacks are seemingly random wilderness encounters that usually befall unsuspecting travelers. In many ways, they are the archetypal wasteland beasts of the Ninth World, giving rise to sayings such as “fierce as a cragworm,” “temperamental as a cragworm,” and so on.

마스터 개입: While biting a PC, the cragworm grabs the character in its mouth.

The PC must make a Might-based roll to avoid being swallowed.

Swallowed PCs can attack the beast from the inside, but they suffer 6점의 피해 each round they remain there


Cyclic raiders are humanoid automatons powered by sound. A flat, blank silver disc is displayed where their face should be. They appear at intervals that seem completely random, though some students of the numenera claim their schedule can be determined ahead of time with enough calculation. However, those who are too successful at discovering that secret tend to become the latest targets of the raiders.

Cyclic raiders usually appear suddenly, as if they’d stepped out of an invisible door. They disappear just as precipitously, exactly three minutes later, often with a captive or two.

동기: Capture test subjects (usually humans)

환경: Almost anywhere, alone or in groups of three

체력: 20

피해: 4점

*챌릭은 적을 무리를 지어서 턱으로 깨뭅니다. 넷이나 그 이상의 챌릭 무리는 5점의 피해를 주는 하나의 4레벨 생물처럼 공격할 수 있습니다. 대신, 챌릭 한 마리가 배를 수축시켜 내부의 분비선을 터트려, 끈적거리는 분비물을 입으로 뿜어낼 수 있습니다. (그리고 이 챌릭은 죽습니다.) 이는 레벨 4짜리 공격으로 피해를 주지 않지만, 목표가 된 하나의 대상은 속력 방어에 실패하면 분비물에 탈출하기 전까지 덮여서 움직됩니다.수 없게 되어 (자유롭게 탈출하기 위한 행동 외에는 습니다. 챌릭의 분비물 때문에 움직일 수 없게 된 목표물에 대 두 단계 덜 어려워집니다.한 공격은수 없고) *움직임크기가 작기 때문에 속력 방어는 4 레벨

장갑: 2

조정: Speed defense as level 6; knowledge of other worlds and galaxies as level 7.

전투: Cyclic raiders use a device they call a Melu box to render human targets unconscious.

Raiders avoid direct engagement and are expert at dodging incoming attacks (reflected in their level 6 Speed defense). If forced to defend themselves, they fire a sound blast that inflicts 4점 of Intellect damage (ignores Armor) on a failed Intellect defense task.

In areas with ambient sound, these automatons require no sustenance and operate indefinitely. But in completely soundless areas, such as the void beyond the sky, they collapse and can be restored to function only when exposed to sound.

대화: Cyclic raiders enact a bizarre agenda. They ambush, incapacitate, and somehow transport humans to another world in the void of space for an unknown purpose. They speak several languages, which seem to be composed of voice recordings of various humans sewn together to make complete new sentences.

용법: The PCs arrive to consult with someone who has information or an item they want, but that person is being attacked by cyclic raiders.

Loot: A fallen cyclic raider can be salvaged for a couple of cyphers. Any group of raiders will probably have one Melu box.

마스터 개입: A defeated cyclic raider goes through sudden convulsions, its limbs shifting and locking into strange shapes as a second raider leaps on it. They both snap together to create a much larger level 7 creature.


Level: 1d6 + 3

Form: Small silver box

Effect: When activated, every living creature in short range that can hear must succeed on an Intellect defense task or fall unconscious. Unconscious creatures can attempt an Intellect task each round to rouse themselves.

Depletion: 1 in 1d10

NULL-CAT 7 (21)

The null-cat is a quadruped predator, approximately 1,000 pounds (450 kg) in weight and a deep grey in color. When not moving, the null-cat’s crystalline fur seems to make it vanish into its natural surroundings. Its face is a star-shaped slit filled with motile teeth, flanked by five eyes laid out in a circle around the front of its head. Null-cats are drawn to and drain items that use stored energy, though they supplement their energy requirement with the flesh of living prey. They kill, drag off, and store their victims, burying them to feed later.

동기: Hungers for energy and flesh

환경: Anywhere empty or on the fringes of civilization

체력: 42

피해: 7점

움직임: Long; short when climbing

조정: Stealth and hiding as level 9; Speed defense as level 6 due to size.

전투: A null-cat relies on its energy-draining field during 전투. All characters within immediate range who have an artifact must roll normally for depletion each round. Anyone who is attacked by the null-cat and suffers damage “burns out” a cypher in their possession (if any) on a failed Intellect defense task. The null-cat gains 5점 of health for each artifact charge and cypher it consumes in this fashion. Simultaneously with its energy-draining effect, a null-cat can bite a target, inflicting 7점의 피해. The null-cat stalks victims passing through its territory, preferring to wait until night to attack. If possible, it waits to attack sleeping victims.

대화: Null-cats are clever predators but ultimately have the intelligence of animals.

용법: A group of Aeon Priests is surrounded by a small pack of nullcats and can’t hold out much longer.

Loot: Null-cats drag off and bury their prey in small graves. If a PC can locate a null-cat’s pit, it is often filled with equipment and gear of victims, though the cyphers are burned out and the artifacts are dead.

마스터 개입: A null-cat leaps out into the middle of a group of adventurers, distracting them. Meanwhile, two other null-cats circle around behind the group.


A puppet tree is a 25-foot (8 m) tall, spiky, orange and blue tree surrounded by a large area of red reeds that tremble and wave enticingly even when no wind is present. Humanoid figures are often gathered around it, but these rotted, overgrown corpses are the tree’s victims, dead but serving as fleshy puppets to the tree’s will. Victims drained of knowledge and life are used as lures to draw in yet more victims, at least until the bodies rot away. When not used as lures, the corpse puppets are set to the task of using bits of the numenera to build or further modify an inexplicable machine set at the tree’s base.

동기: Hungers for fresh bodies

환경: On hilltops, isolated from other plant life

체력: 33

피해: 10점

장갑: 3

움직임: None

조정: Speed defense as level 5 due to size and immobility; deception and disguise (puppeteering corpses to act in a lifelike manner) as level 6.

전투: Some of the red reeds surrounding a puppet tree end in a hard, sharp crystal spike. When a living creature comes within short range of the tree, the reeds rise behind the target and try to skewer them through the head or neck with the spike. If a target is killed by these attacks, the puppet tree controls the body as a corpse puppet, using it to enact its plans. Over time these humanoids rot and are overgrown by the biology of the plant, losing utility for the tree. Most trees have about five corpse puppets active, which can be simultaneously animated to attack foes. A puppet tree is vulnerable to fire. All fire attacks against the tree inflict 2 additional점의 피해 and ignore Armor. The puppet tree will always attempt to stop a fire, or target the source of flame during 전투.

대화: Puppet trees are highly intelligent, but malevolent. Even if communication can be opened via telepathy or some other means, the tree will always attempt to double-cross the PCs.

용법: An agent of the Convergence, hoping to watch a puppet tree in action, lures the PCs to one and waits while they approach to talk with his “friend”—one of the long-dead corpse puppets.

Loot: Possessions of former victims can be found in the red reeds, usually including 4d10 shins and various bits of gear. The cyphers, artifacts, and oddities of victims are collected by the corpse puppets and cobbled together into a strange device. It is always the same machine, but its purpose is inexplicable.

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